Keck Science Meeting 2019


Meeting information

UCLA is located on the west side of Los Angeles. Check out special room rates for attendees here. You can also check out other lodging options, from budget to upscale.

UCLA's home page maintains a useful set of directions and maps for reaching campus by car or public transit. A detailed map of the Physics & Astronomy Department is available at this link.

Parking is available on the UCLA campus; Parking Structure #2 is closest to the Physics & Astronomy Building. A daily parking permit costs $13 and is available at kiosks in the parking structure. The UCLA parking website has more information. If you already belong to another UC campus and have parking privileges there, please read these instructions to use your own UC parking permit.

Lunch and morning/afternoon coffee breaks will be provided for meeting attendees. For dinner, UCLA has on-campus facilities. For Westwood Village explore these dining options.

We aim for a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, or personal beliefs. We recommend that participants read the AAS Code of Ethics. Everyone will be expected to abide by this code. In particular, harassment, abusive behavior, or intimidation of conference participants are not allowed.