Registration for UCLA Dark Universe

Location: University of California, Los Angeles

Dates: April 2–6, 2018

To register, please fill out the form below. The regular registration of $600 is available from January 5th through February 2, 2018. After February 2nd the late registration fee will be $650. This will include breakfasts, lunches, coffee breaks, and banquet. You'll have the option of purchasing an extra banquet ticket if you plan to bring a guest.

We will need your name, affiliation, professional title, talk/poster title and abstract. Please also tell us whether you have any allergies or dietary restrictions.

Please indicate whether you want to present a talk or a poster. Include your talk/poster title and paste in your abstract. If you don't want to present anything, just indicate N/A (not applicable) in the abstract field.

We will need a list of any food allergies and/or whether you are vegetarian. If none of these issues apply, type "None."

All fields are required. If you are submitting an abstract, the deadline to submit is February 2, 2018.